I Am Ghost I Am Ghost - Beyond The Hourglass

Soon the stage enacts the fallen stars
Used in pictures in this page of our beating hearts
I've made peace with God and burned the sage
And drank from poison lake
Soon the stage enacts the fallen stars

Save us from all the evil that we do
Tonight we're ghosts
I've fallen down but never give up
Create what was left behind, it was you

Beyond the hourglass, and a hundred years have
passed, buried in stone
My heart still beats outside this
Please put the final nail into this coffin
Ten-century has closed
Remember me as you are reborn

Save us from all the evil that we do
Tonight we're ghosts
I've fallen down but never give up
Create what was left behind, it was you

Can you remember?
Lie close to me, my breathing won't last long
My hands of bone will feel your touch, tonight we sit
and remember
Soon the stage enacts the fallen stars
Used in pictures in this page of our beating hearts

Save us from all the evil that we do
Tonight we're ghosts
I've fallen down but never give up
Create what was left behind, it was you

Dies irae, dies illa
Lacrymosa qua resurget ex favilla
Quantus tremor est futurus
Iudicantus, homo reus ergo parce

(A day of wrath, that day
Weeping shall rise again from the embers
What trembling will there be
The guilty man to be judged, spare him)